Physical Therapy for Carpal Tunnel

Wrist pain can make it difficult to do everyday tasks, such as brushing your teeth or washing your hair. It is common for the pain to be accompanied by weakness in your wrist.

Carpal tunnel syndrome, which can cause wrist problems, is the most common. You have many non-invasive options for treating wrist pain if it is early. This includes physical therapy.

Let’s discuss wrist physical therapy and carpal tunnel syndrome. We will also talk about where to go in the greater Austin area to receive an exceptional hand and wrist therapy.

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

The condition is caused by pressure on the median nerve, one of your upper-limb nerves. Carpal tunnel syndrome can be caused by a pinched nerve in your wrist, called the median nerve.

Your hand is connected to the median nerve via your upper arm. It controls movement and sensation in your thumb, index, middle, and half your ring finger. The ulnar nerve controls half of your ring finger, your pinkie, and the rest.

The carpal tunnel, a narrow, bony passageway inside your wrist (carpal bones), is where some tendons are located. The median nerve is put under pressure when the tissues surrounding this passageway become swollen and inflamed. This is often caused by repetitive motion or constant pressure applied to the wrist.

The wrist condition typically presents mild to moderate symptoms, which tend to change frequently, particularly in the beginning stages. If left untreated, it can lead to severe and persistent symptoms and permanent disability.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is characterized by pain in the wrist and hand, along with tingling, numbness, or weakness in your fingers and hands. These symptoms usually get worse at night.

Carpal tunnel syndrome can cause problems with gripping or making a fist. You may lose what you are holding. The condition can lead to severe heatstroke, which can make it difficult to distinguish between hot and cold.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Wrist Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is key to stopping carpal tunnel syndrome from getting worse. It is possible to reverse the effects of carpal tunnel syndrome if you address it early.

Physical therapy, particularly hand therapy can reduce inflammation and swelling around your median nerve in your wrist. It can also strengthen your wrist and hand muscles.

Your physical therapy will develop a customized therapy plan. This program could include:

  • Stretching and strengthening your muscles with exercises
  • Massage and manual therapy to reduce inflammation and promote proper circulation
  • Learn how to wear your wrist-splint and when.

Your physical therapist will also be able to teach you how not to do things that could aggravate your condition. You can also get ergonomic devices and other techniques from your physical therapist to aid you at home or at work.

Physical Therapy for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Pensacola

Hand therapy and wrist physical therapy can help alleviate your symptoms. It may also help you avoid surgery. Renew Concierge Physical Therapy is the best choice for physical therapy for carpal tunnel. Our physical therapists are highly skilled, experienced, and compassionate. They will help you regain the use of your hand and relieve any hand pain.

Call us today to schedule your appointment. We look forward serving you!