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Injury Prevention

can’t detect what you don’t inspect

Are you worried about developing runner’s knee or tearing your rotator cuff? Many injuries, like these, can be caused by latent trigger points, undetected fascial restriction, muscle strength imbalances and improper movements. We can personally evaluate your body and movement patterns and develop individualized exercise programs for you to reduce your risk of injury.

Our Injury Prevention Program

Our injury prevention program is designed to keep athletes safe, enhance their performance, and help them recover from any injuries.

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Our physical therapy clinics offer evidence-based instruction and manual treatment to reduce the risk of injury to key areas such as the back, shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles. Our specialists are trained to identify risk factors and provide guidance on how to address these during warm-ups, practices, and games; as well as manually treat the undetected trigger points and fascial restrictions that are the silent killer on the field.

We also offer injury prevention services to employers who wish to invest in the safety of their employees. This can include our manual based treatment approach, job-specific stretching and strengthening exercises, analysis of body mechanics, and comprehensive training to minimize the risk of workplace injuries.

With our team of physical therapists, our goal is to reduce the risk of injury. Our injury prevention programs have been proven to not only lower the risk of injury but also improve athletic performance.

The program may include:

  • Functional screening
  • Baseline strength and weakness assessment
  • Functional Movement Screening (FMS)
  • Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA)
  • Personalized home exercise program.


Conditions Treated

Our physical therapists treat a range of conditions from neck pain and back pain to carpal tunnel syndrome and Achilles tendinitis. Our therapists are also trained to identify potential risk factors for injury, and during a simple consultation, can detect issues such as:

Low Back Pain: Our physical therapy exams can detect if you are at risk for low back pain and injury.

Total Joint Replacement: Our exams can identify the early warning signs for joint arthritis, a primary cause for joint replacement. How nice it would be to avoid this common surgery!

Headaches: Our exams can identify risk factors that may lead to headaches.

Rotator Cuff Tear: Our exams can determine the risk of shoulder pain and rotator cuff tears.

Injury From a Fall: Our exams can detect the risk of falling and prevent life-threatening injuries.

ACL Injury: Our exams can identify the risk of suffering a knee injury.

Peripheral Neuropathy: Our therapists can test the sensation in your feet to detect the potential for peripheral neuropathy, which can cause physical abnormalities and a vast array of injuries.

Being proactive is crucial when it comes to your health, and with our team of specialists, we aim to not only get our patients better quickly and effectively, but also to prevent future injuries.


Start Injury Prevention

Visiting our physical therapy clinic for injury prevention is a wise choice for anyone looking to maintain their physical health and avoid injuries. Our experienced physical therapists can identify areas of weakness or imbalance in your body and create a personalized program to strengthen and stabilize those areas. By addressing these issues before an injury occurs, you can significantly reduce your risk of getting hurt during physical activities. Our therapists also provide education on proper form and techniques to use during exercises and everyday activities to minimize the risk of injury. Additionally, we offer a variety of services, such as manual therapy, stretching, and strengthening exercises, to keep your body healthy and functioning optimally. By prioritizing injury prevention, you can enjoy a more active and fulfilling lifestyle with fewer interruptions due to injuries.