Signs That You Need Physical Therapy

Despite being one of the most important aspects of healthcare, many people don’t know when they require it. It can help you recover from injuries, manage chronic conditions, and improve your quality of life.

It is also one of the best things to do when you are dealing with pain. It is often more cost-effective and effective than surgery or medication. How do you know if you require physical therapy?

What Signs to Look for

You may need to see a therapist if you have any of the following signs:

1. There is no relief for your pain with over-the-counter medications.

Persistent and lasting pain can make it difficult to do the things you love. If you are still suffering from pain, even if you have an over-the-counter medicine, physical therapy may be an option.

A physical therapist can help manage your pain and improve the quality of your life.

2. Recent injury.

Maybe you have injured your ankle or pulled your back while playing sports. These injuries can be very painful and make it difficult to move.

If the pain is severe or lasts for more than a few weeks, you should consult a physical therapist. They will help you create a plan that will allow you to heal quickly and safely.

3. A chronic condition has been diagnosed.

Living an active lifestyle can be difficult if you suffer from a chronic condition like arthritis, Fibromyalgia or Diabetes. Physical therapy can help manage your symptoms and improve the quality of your life.

Your therapist can create a customized treatment plan. Your therapist may offer you a personalized treatment plan that includes exercises, stretching, and other activities to help manage your condition. Other therapy options may be used, such as heat, cold, electrical stimulation or ultrasound.

4. Preventing injuries is important.

If you are an athlete or have a physically demanding job, you may be at greater risk of injury. Physical therapy can prevent injuries by showing you how to properly warm up, stretch, exercise, work, and recover.

Your therapist will also be able to create an exercise program that is tailored to your needs.

5. You are still recovering from surgery.

If you have had surgery, physical therapy can help you quickly and safely recover. Your therapist is your partner in helping you to restore strength and range. You may be taught stretches or specific exercises by your therapist to reduce pain and improve mobility.

6. You’re pregnant.

Many women feel aches and pains from pregnancy weight gain. Some of these pains can be relieved by physical therapy.

The therapist might use heat, cold, or electrical stimulation. You may also be taught stretches and exercises to reduce pain.

7. Stress or anxiety is a common problem.

Anxiety and stress can lead to many physical symptoms such as fatigue, muscle tension, headaches, and fatigue. Physical therapy is an option for those who struggle to cope with anxiety or stress.

Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and progressive muscles relaxation can be taught by your therapist. You may also be offered massage or acupuncture.

8. Age-related issues such as balance or joint pain can be a problem.

Age-related issues such as joint pain, balance problems and reduced mobility can all be experienced as you get older. Your therapist will help you create a treatment plan, which includes stretching, exercises, and other activities, to improve your age-related symptoms. The use of heat, cold, electrical stimulation or ultrasound may be beneficial.

9. You want to improve the health of your whole body.

You can improve your overall health and well being with physical therapy. Your therapist will help you live a healthier lifestyle, and make healthy choices about your health. Your therapist may create an exercise program that is tailored to your needs.

Pensacola Physical Therapy

If you are experiencing pain or have other problems that affect your quality of living, a physical therapist should be consulted. Physical therapy can relieve pain, improve mobility and prevent injury. Your therapist will work closely with you to develop a customized treatment plan that will help achieve your goals.

If you are looking for a Pensacola physical therapist, trust Renew Concierge Physical Therapy. If you need a physical therapist in Pensacola, our highly trained therapists will provide compassionate and comprehensive care. Call us today!